It means that if you try to punch out a messy hole with a STON punching machine, you can immediately stop. This machine does all the heavy lifting for you. It punches holes really quickly, and they look nice and clean.
These machines are great because they use velocity. Just think of how nice it would be to punch holes in a ton of papers in a couple minutes! That’s part of what these machines are able to do. They make getting your work done easier and faster.
STON is aware that not everyone has deep pockets. So they keep their machines low-cost and high-quality. That means that schools, small businesses and even people at home can purchase these helpful machines.
The machines are robust and the will endure much longer. You won’t need to purchase a new machine once a year. STON ensures their machines are constructed to reliably work for many years.
STON also provides assistance if you want to purchase a machine but are concerned about your budget. They each have another means to pay for the machine. Their helpful employees will answer any questions you have about how to purchase one.
These punching machines are used at a wide range of locations. So schools can prepare papers with them. Offices can use them as document organizers. They can even be used as fun projects for folks at home!
STON aims to simplify work for everyone. They think that good tools make people more effective and efficient in their work. Their punching machines play the role of friend who makes your job easy.
STON mundu-mailako CNC makineria-enpresa eta kudeaketa-enpresa ziurtatua da. Kalitate sistemen ISO 9001-2000 nazioarteko ziurtagiria lortu zuen lehen enpresa izan zen. Enpresari Shandong SRDI Enterprise eta Shandong Gazelle Enterprise tituluak eman dizkiote. Gainera, patentearen zain dauden 100 teknologia baino gehiago ditu. 80 herrialde baino gehiagotan konfiantzazko marka da, gure produktuak zehaztasunagatik, iraunkortasunagatik eta kalitate paregabeagatik ezagunak dira, merkatuan marka ezarriz.
Hutsegiterik badago, gure teknikariak azkar iritsiko dira eszenara urrunetik telefonoz edo bideoz konpontzeko. Arazoa gunean konpondu behar bada, bezeroaren kokapena denbora laburrenean egongo gara.
Ekoizpen-prozesuan zehar, STONek kalitate-kontrol-neurri anitz ezartzen ditu, materialen ikuskapenak, prozesuan egindako probak eta azken produktuaren probak barne. STONek ekipamendu bakoitzak nazioarteko kalitate estandarrak betetzen dituela eta proba zorrotzak gainditzen dituela ziurtatzen du entregatu aurretik. Gainera, gure bezeroen eskakizun partikularrei irtenbide pertsonalizatuak eskaintzen dizkiegu produkzio-eraginkortasuna areagotzen laguntzeko, operazio-kostuak murrizten dituzten bitartean.
STONek I+G inbertsioari garrantzi handia ematen dio eta beti dago industriako teknologiaren abangoardian. 20 lagunetik gorako I+G taldea dugu. Urtero gure diru-sarreren % 30 inbertitzen dugu produktu berriak garatzeko, baita lehendik daudenak berritzeko ere. Ikerketa eta unibertsitateekin dugun lankidetzaren bidez, gure gaitasun teknologikoak zabaltzen jarraitzen dugu, merkatuaren aldaketei eta bezeroen beharrei azkar erantzun ahal izateko.