Need to bend some metal for your project?[ Now, you need to understand about a automatisk panelbukkemaskine. This machine is very useful because it allows you to create precise bends in metal quickly. MAKING METAL OUR OUR VERY OWN LINE OF PANEL BENDING MACHINE AT STON
There are several benefits to using a panel bending machine, and one of the most important is that allows you to make extremely accurate bends. It can be difficult to get the bends right, and bending the metal by hand can be a bit challenging. These machines deploy such smart technology that every bend is guaranteed accurate. This is particularly critical in sectors such as automotive manufacturing — making cars — and aerospace — building airplanes. By using a panel bending machine, you will ensure that your metal bends look great every time. That means you can produce quality products without pestering for mistakes.
It can be very slow and painstaking process to bend metal by hand. It’s exhausting, and it takes a lot of skill. Panel bending machines, on the other hand, can substantially accelerate this process. STON panel bending machines — Faster and easier work. By spending less time bending metal, you are able to spend time on the more crucial aspects of your project. Enabling your productivity to increase within the same amount of time. With faster metal bending, you will notice you have sufficient time to focus on other work that can help you in enhancing your productivity.
Panel bending machines can help you create more precise metal bends in a fraction of the time. These machines are meant to be automatic, that is, they are able to do the work for you and with less possibility of errors! You can produce higher quality products when using a panel bending machine instead of working by hand. That's because there is less room for mistakes that can occur when an individual bends steel. With a panel bending machine, you ensure that your products are manufactured well and that there is less waste or pieces that go uneaten.
Materials arrive at STON Our panel bending machines are equipped with the most modern technology that will facilitate metalworking to a much greater extent. For instance, many of our machines are controlled via touch-screen so they are easy to use. This means they are not something you need to be an expert too use! Moreover, our machines can be tailored to meet your exact specifications. You adjust things such as how far to bend the metal and its thickness. From running a compact workshop to an expansive metalworking operation, we can make sure our panel bending machines are custom-built to meet the needs of your business.
STON er en international CNC maskinvirksomhed og en godkendt Management Enterprise. Det var den første virksomhed i verden, der opnåede ISO 9001-2000 international certificering for kvalitetssystemer. Virksomheden har også fået titlen Shandong SRDI Enterprise og Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Det har også over 100 patentanmeldte teknologier. Vores produkter, der er tillid til af over 80 lande, er kendt for deres uovertrufne præcision, pålidelighed og uovertruffen kvalitet, hvilket sætter barren på markedet.
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STON bruger flere kvalitetskontrolmetoder gennem hele produktionsprocessen. Disse omfatter inspektioner af materialer og test i processen sammen med slutproduktinspektion. STON sikrer, at hvert stykke udstyr er testet til internationale standarder og er i overensstemmelse med dem.
STON investerer massivt i F&U og er i front med teknologiske fremskridt. STON har en R&D-afdeling, der består af mere end 20 personer. Vi investerer 30 procent af vores omsætning hvert år i skabelsen af nye produkter og i at opgradere eksisterende. Gennem vores samarbejde med universiteter og forskningsinstitutioner fortsætter vi med at udvide vores teknologiske muligheder for at sikre, at vi er i stand til at reagere hurtigt på ændringer i markedet og kundernes behov.