Looking for a company that makes great panel bending products? Look no further than STON! We are one of the best panel bender manufacturer in the industry. We provide all the smart and reliable products that can cater to all your panel bending needs. No matter if you're working on a big project or a small bit, we have just what you require.
Choosing a panel bender manufacturer is an extremely important decision that you need to make. This leaves STON with a great reputation of being great and reliable in the industry. We have a dedicated team of professionals constantly analyzing the issues and providing the utmost assistance for each customer. Whether your project is big or small, you can rely on us every step of the way.
Would you like to apply contemporary bending techniques to make some very complicated (>5-axis) forms? We have state-of-the-art technology to tackle such challenges! Our advanced equipment enables us to create designs & shapes that were previously considered unachievable. It means that you can achieve the results you are looking for your own projects.
STON is a leader in new concepts and technology in panel bending. Our machines and processes are state of the art, designed to allow us to produce high quality results in a very short time scale. Our customers depend on us to deliver quality, and we work hard to meet their high expectations.
Here, is what you need to know when looking to choose a panel bender manufacturer: Consider the quality and reliability of the products they provide. This is why we use exclusively the best materials and machines at STON, be sure our products are perfected for the most demanding ones. We need you to be certain you are purchasing a solid product that works and will endure.
The other key consideration is how much customization a manufacturer can offer. We at STON understand that every project is unique. That is why we collaborate with our customers on designs of custom solutions built for their wildlife solutions. We think key to ensuring the best output is understanding your needs.
It is very vital to purchase good quality panel bending products in order to have the success of any business. For instance, if a product is of a poor quality, it can cause delays that would mean loss of work time which is very expensive. On the flip side, reliable solutions gore seen to use their businesses more functional, increasing their profits. STON guarantees you the best products and services. We strive to make sure our customers are happy with every single purchase.
STON er en fast tilhænger af F&U-investeringer og forbliver ajour med teknologiske fremskridt i branchen. Det har et R&D-team med mere end 20 ansatte. Hvert år investerer vi 30 % af omsætningen i udvikling af nye produkter samt modernisering af produkter, der allerede er i brug. Gennem vores samarbejde med forskningsinstitutter og universiteter fortsætter vi med at udvide vores teknologiske muligheder, så vi hurtigt kan reagere på markedsændringer og kundernes behov.
Gennem hele produktionsprocessen implementerer STON flere kvalitetskontrolforanstaltninger, herunder materialeinspektioner, test i processen og test af slutprodukter. STON sikrer, at hvert stykke udstyr opfylder internationale kvalitetsstandarder og gennemgår strenge test før levering. Ydermere leverer vi skræddersyede løsninger til vores kunders særlige krav for at hjælpe dem med at øge produktionseffektiviteten og samtidig reducere driftsomkostningerne.
I tilfælde af fejl ankommer vores teknikere hurtigt til stedet for at reparere det via telefon eller video. Hvis det skal løses på stedet, og vi vil være på brugerens websted på kortest mulig tid.
STON er en international CNC maskinvirksomhed og en godkendt Management Enterprise. Det var den første virksomhed i verden, der opnåede ISO 9001-2000 international certificering for kvalitetssystemer. Virksomheden har også fået titlen Shandong SRDI Enterprise og Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Det har også over 100 patentanmeldte teknologier. Vores produkter, der er tillid til af over 80 lande, er kendt for deres uovertrufne præcision, pålidelighed og uovertruffen kvalitet, hvilket sætter barren på markedet.