Do you want to know about the transformation of metal into shape? Have you ever though about how a piece of flat metar is turned into a piece of high joint structure like a case door or airplane wing? We will now take a closer look at hydraulisk metalpladebukkemaskine and find out why is it very important in the engineering field.
A special procedure known as metal sheet pressing reshapes metal sheets by using pressure. Using this technique, we can create certain shapes and designs as required in different products. To create these objects we use powerful machines called hydraulic or mechanical presses. In addition to these machines, we also need a special tool called a die to help develop the desired shape.
The process of pressing metal sheets is not as easy as it sounds, it is a very technical work. However, it always comes down to every little detail in this piece of work to create the exact thing that what do we deserved. At STON, we bring with us our team of experienced engineers and workers from all walks of life who spare no effort to ensure every product manufactured to perfection.
Metal sheet pressing is among the most important engineering processes. It is integral to the production of many different products we see and use on a daily basis. These items consist of automotive parts, components of aircrafts, building construction materials, and common household products. It is an efficient, low-cost method which can be scaled to produce small- or high-volume products.
The first operation in the metal sheet pressing procedure is design. The STON team clarifies design details with the client.restore2The STON team confirms the design with the client. Based on the product specifications, once the design is approved, our team works to make the tools and dies tailored made. These toolings and dies are critical, as they allow us to create the specific shapes and sizes called for in the design.
Once the tools & dies are ready, metal sheets are fed into the press. Then strong pressure is applied by the press to the sheets, forcing them into the shape of the dies. Once the metal sheets have been stamped out into the intended shapes, our specialists need to remove the shaping dies and adjust them, as required, to get the size and shape just right.
The technologies we embrace — at STON we invest in the latest machinery, stamped metal sheets at STON are fast and precise. STON can achieve a multitude of shapes and sizes by taking advantage of various tools and dies. We have the ability to adjust our services based on the requirements of the clients irrespective of the project size.
STON lægger stor vægt på R&D-investeringer og er altid på forkant med teknologien i branchen. Vi har et R&D-team på mere end 20 personer. Vi investerer 30 % af vores omsætning hvert år i at udvikle nye produkter samt opgradere eksisterende. Gennem vores samarbejde med forskning og universiteter fortsætter vi med at udvide vores teknologiske muligheder, så vi hurtigt kan reagere på markedsændringer og kundernes behov.
STON er et CNC-maskinfirma i verdensklasse og certificeret ledelsesvirksomhed. Det var den første virksomhed i verden, der modtog ISO 9001-2000 international certificering for kvalitetsstyringssystemer. Virksomheden har også fået tildelt titlerne Shandong SRDI Enterprise og Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Virksomheden er indehaver af mere end 100 patenter. Vores produkter, støttet af over 80 lande, er anerkendt for deres præcision, pålidelighed og enestående håndværk. De er standarderne på markedet.
STON bruger flere kvalitetskontrolmetoder gennem hele produktionsprocessen. Disse omfatter inspektioner af materialer og test i processen sammen med slutproduktinspektion. STON sikrer, at hvert stykke udstyr er testet til internationale standarder og er i overensstemmelse med dem.
Hvis der er fejl, ankommer vores teknikere hurtigt på stedet for at reparere det eksternt via telefon eller video. Hvis problemet skal repareres på stedet, vil vi være på stedet for kunden på kortest mulig tid.