That makes metal punching a useful process to create holes or shapes in metal sheets. This is what enables the production of so many items on factory floors, such as automobiles, machines, and other goods. The main machine which is used to perform this work is a special machine that is known as the ohýbačka ocelového plechu. These machines are beneficial and aid the factories in doing work smoothly. STON is the leading manufacturer of steel sheet punching machine in the world. It is infamous for doing a great job and being very precise, meaning that it makes the correct holes in proper scenarios each time.
The STON steel plate punching machine has high-performance for punching holes in a sheet of metal. It employs smart and advanced tech to ensure that every hole is where it needs to be. You can push it to replace the flat steel sheet into different shapes such as circles, squares, and even more complicated shapes with just a push of a button! This is helpful for those needing to develop proofs and specifications of their products. The technology is intended to assist workers in completing their jobs to the best of their ability.
STON's machine is one of the best things about working in the metal industry because it can really make tons of metal products and make them fast. It can punch multiple sheets simultaneously, allowing workers to create more objects in less time. This is especially useful for factories that have to produce many products in a day. The machine is extremely user-friendly, so everybody learns how to operate it quickly without extensive training. Plus, it’s easy to maintain and any piece can be easily replaced as needed. It makes the machine’s life longer and keeps running it smoothly, which is very important in factories.
Designing STON's skládací stroj na ocelový plech is uncomplicated and secure. This is one of the best characteristics of this machine it makes less noise in comparison to other machines. That’s good for our ears because loud sounds can damage them. The machine is also highly controllable, enabling workers to make clean and precise cuts every time. This takes time and energy, so this tool helps workers save their per hour so that their precious time won't go unproductively while they are not tired or distracted.
The STON steel sheet punching machine has revolutionized metal sheet processing in the industry. It has made that process faster, more reliable and a lot easier for workers. The machine can produce the variety of sizes and shapes factories require, providing workers with a wide range of options for customizing their production. Thanks to this machine, production of big quality metal components can last for both quick and efficient methods in factories.
STON je globální firma vyrábějící CNC stroje a certifikovaná manažerská společnost. Společnost jako první získala mezinárodní certifikaci ISO 9001-2000 pro systémy jakosti. STON také získal tituly Shandong SRDI Enterprise a Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Kromě toho má více než 100 patentovaných technologií. Naše produkty, kterým důvěřuje více než 80 zemí, jsou známé svou přesností, odolností a vynikající kvalitou, čímž nastavují laťku v tomto odvětví.
STON employs various quality control methods throughout the manufacturing process. This includes inspections of the material and testing while in process, as well as final product inspection. STON ensures that the equipment is tested according to international standards and meets them.
STON klade velký důraz na investice do výzkumu a vývoje a je vždy v popředí technologie v tomto odvětví. Máme výzkumný a vývojový tým o více než 20 lidech. Každý rok investujeme 30 % našich příjmů do vývoje nových produktů a také do modernizace těch stávajících. Prostřednictvím naší spolupráce s výzkumem a univerzitami pokračujeme v rozšiřování našich technologických možností, abychom mohli rychle reagovat na změny trhu a potřeby zákazníků.
Ať už jde o instalaci zařízení do provozu, rychlou opravu nebo opravy, STON reaguje rychle, aby byla zaručena nepřerušená výroba. Záruční doba je jeden rok od data uvedení zařízení do provozu a i po záruční době si můžete užívat přednostní servisní služby. V případě poruchy STON okamžitě zareaguje a problém vyřeší na dálku prostřednictvím videa nebo telefonu. Pokud je třeba problém řešit na místě, oprava bude dokončena u uživatele v co nejkratším čase.