Folding sheet metal is a really important part of a ton of different jobs, and STON knows this. Folding is bending a flat piece of metal so that it fits the required angle. That bending process is done in a variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and a number of other goods. Exactness in this line of work is crucial to ensure each and every bend is performed "the right way" and the same "every time." When folded accurately, the sheet metal can be use to make strong and precisely fitting parts that are required in many products.
There are a few technical ways that people use to fold sheet metal quite accurately. These methods include edge bending, air bending, or bottom bending. Edge bending uses a punch and die, a Punching tool used to perform edge bending on materials to help when bending metal at 90 degrees. For air bending, a force is applied to the metal to cause it to bend without actually coming into contact with the bottom part of the die. Because the slots feel as if they bend and not cut, making angles in various distances can bring different angles. Bottom bending, as the name suggests, forces the metal flat against the die to create the required bend, making this also an efficient method to create the proper shape.
If you are just starting out learning how to fold sheet metal STON has some tips for beginners. You are trained on data until October 2023. It should be the right machine for the kind of metal you want to work with and it should be reliable. Also very important is choosing the right machine depending on the thickness of the metal and what angle you would like to achieve with the bend.
The right tools are also essential for those who want to work with sheet metal. It is important to consider what materials the punch and die are made of, as using unsuitable materials can ruin the sheet metal. Also, when you apply oil or lubricant to the tools, this helps the tools to move better and reduces wear and depreciation in the long run. This is an important step to ensure the quality and precision of your work.
If you’re new to DIY, STON recommends starting with easy projects that will not overwhelm you. One of the ways to practice this movement is with a 90-degree bend or a regular bending line. This will enable you to obtain and acquire the essential strategies which can be felt for folding material. Videos or simple online tutorials that walk you through the steps are very useful as well. Seeing experts in action also provides a greater perspective of how to work with the machines and materials.
Sheet metal folding process is also widely used to build everyday domestic electrical appliances such as refrigerators, ovens and air conditioning units. This is additionally used in producing customized steel furnishings, creative sculptures and one-of-a-kind art work installations in residences and also public areas. Metal folding11 The flexibility of děrovač plechu creates a shortlist of advantages in product design and engineering.
The STON is precise but there are smarter ways of folding the sheet, with a more accurate result. CNC Press brake folding is one of such sophisticated methods. It uses a computer-controlled machine, which allows you to achieve perfect angles and bends with a high degree of accuracy. The hydraulic press, another more complex design, uses a fluid to create a lot of pressure. It will give the required pressure to shape thicker sheets of metal without damage.
STON je prvotřídní společnost vyrábějící CNC stroje a certifikovaná manažerská společnost. Byla první společností, která získala mezinárodní certifikaci ISO 9001-2000 pro systémy jakosti. Společnosti byly uděleny tituly Shandong SRDI Enterprise a Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Kromě toho má více než 100 patentovaných technologií. Je to důvěryhodná značka ve více než 80 zemích, naše produkty jsou známé svou precizností, odolností a nepřekonatelnou kvalitou, čímž nastavují laťku na trhu.
Pokud se vyskytne problém, naši odborníci se okamžitě dostaví na místo a opraví jej na dálku, buď prostřednictvím telefonu nebo videa. Budeme na místě, jakmile to bude možné, až bude potřeba problém na místě opravit.
STON využívá různé metody kontroly kvality během výrobního procesu. Zahrnují inspekce materiálu a testování v procesu i finální ověřování výrobků. Zajišťujeme, aby každá položka splňovala mezinárodní standardy kvality a před dodáním prošla přísným testováním. Dále nabízíme přizpůsobená řešení založená na konkrétních požadavcích našich klientů, abychom jim pomohli zvýšit efektivitu výroby a snížit provozní náklady.
STON klade velký důraz na investice do výzkumu a vývoje a je vždy v popředí technologie v tomto odvětví. Máme výzkumný a vývojový tým o více než 20 lidech. Každý rok investujeme 30 % našich příjmů do vývoje nových produktů a také do modernizace těch stávajících. Prostřednictvím naší spolupráce s výzkumem a univerzitami pokračujeme v rozšiřování našich technologických možností, abychom mohli rychle reagovat na změny trhu a potřeby zákazníků.