Back in the day, factories took a lot of time to produce metal from scratch. That was a lot of hard work for the people who did it! It was a very labour-intensive process, and they would work for hours on end just to do everything by hand. However, nowadays, there exists a machine known as a CNC Sheet Metal Folder that serves as a great and fast option for everyone.
A CNC Sheet Metal Folder or CNC folding machine is a very intelligent automated folding robot. All you do is tell it what shape you want to make, and then it does all the heavy lifting for you! You only have to enter the design, and the machine executes your commands perfectly. This cuts up a lot of time because you no longer need to folding metal by hand for hours. You can sit back while the machine is folding within few minutes and concentrate on other activities!
When things go well, it means that they are done quickly and easily. Such a CNC Sheet Metal Folder makes everything much smoother. Try folding a huge piece of metal by hand. You might make mistakes sometimes, and that’s a waste of time and materials. But with this awesome machine, every fold is correct! You don't have to worry about messing up, and you can ensure the shapes are going to be just like you want them.
Production Speed: Manual jobs take a considerable amount of time. This can take hours or even days to complete a single project. Cleaning and transferring it is therefore a process that takes a lot of time, always. This means that now you can produce, more items, but in less time! It produces faster, which means helps grow and achieve the success requeriments of the business.
Creating complex shapes and machining them into metal was difficult and a skill that took years to master. But now, with a CNC Sheet Metal Folder, creating whatever you need is very easy! You program them in to take whatever shape you want, whether that’s a curve or a corner or something special. Those parts can be anything for anything you are building be it a car, furniture etc. you no longer need to worry about how things can be folded! All you have to do is let the machine do its thing.
And when making things takes a long time, it can be expensive. Factory owners have to pay workers for their time, and if a project takes too long, it can get awfully pricey. However, one of the advantages of having the CNC Shear Metal Folder is that all the processing is done fast and save time and money! It will not have you spending as much money on workers, because the machine basically does most of the work for you. Also, you will waste much less material because everything will be done righ from the first time!
ST based on ChengDu, engine maker of CNC Sheet Metal Folders. What they don't know about folding metal isn't worth knowing, and they are constantly finding new ways to make everybody's job easier and quicker. A CNC Sheet Metal Folder by STON is the right machine that you need if you want to make manufacturing better at a factory. If so, you'd be wise to pay attention to their expertise, so you find the best machine for you.
STON pevně věří v investice do výzkumu a vývoje a vždy drží krok s nejnovějšími technologiemi v tomto odvětví. Máme výzkumný a vývojový tým o více než 20 lidech. Každý rok investujeme 30 % našich příjmů do vývoje nových produktů a také do modernizace těch stávajících. Prostřednictvím naší spolupráce s výzkumem a univerzitami pokračujeme v rozšiřování našich technologických schopností, abychom mohli rychle reagovat na změny podmínek na trhu i na požadavky zákazníků.
STON je globální firma vyrábějící CNC stroje a certifikovaná manažerská společnost. Byla první společností, která získala mezinárodní certifikaci ISO 9001-2000 pro systémy managementu kvality. Společnost získala tituly Shandong SRDI Enterprise a Shandong Gazelle Enterprise. Má také více než 100 patentovaných technologií. Naše výrobky se používají ve více než 80 zemích a jsou uznávány pro svou bezkonkurenční přesnost, spolehlivost a vynikající řemeslné zpracování. Nastavujeme standard na trhu.
It's about equipment installation, commissioning, or emergency repairs, STON responds quickly to guarantee uninterrupted production.The warranty period lasts for one year with the date that the equipment goes into operation. You will also be able to benefit from maintenance benefits that are more favorable after the warranty period.In case of failure STON will immediately respond to fix the problem remotely via phone or video. If it has to be addressed on-site then we will be on your site in the shortest amount of time.
V průběhu výrobního procesu STON zavádí řadu opatření kontroly kvality, jako je kontrola materiálů, testování v průběhu procesu a ověřování finálního produktu. Zajišťujeme, aby každý produkt splňoval mezinárodní standardy kvality a před dodáním prošel přísnými testy. Kromě toho nabízíme také řešení na míru, která splňují požadavky každého zákazníka a pomáhají mu zlepšit efektivitu výroby a snížit provozní náklady.