The turret punch press is a really usefull process, its like magic! It makes different shapes and designs from big sheets of metal without much completion time. You may be wondering how this all works. Well, first, it starts off with a unique machine known as a turret punching machine. All of this makes it incredibly simple and straightforward to cut metal on this machine.
Suppose we want to build a metal box. Using the turret punching machine, we can quickly cut out all the parts we need to assemble the box. A special tool, called punch, is used by this machine. This punch is exactly the shape of the piece that we want to cut out from the sheet of metal. When the punch is pressed down, it slices through the metal like a knife through butter.
You may be wondering how the machine knows where to cut. This is where it helps to use a computer program called CAD, short for computer-aided design. Modern, clicky CAD stands for computer-aided design: we take our CAD, we make a digital map — or a blueprint — of the thing we want to make. This blueprint tells the machine precisely what to do. When we input the CAD program to the cnc turret zımbalama maşını machine, it knows where/how to cut, and it executes the plan with precision.
The turret punching machine has several components, and each of those components plays a very important role. A main component is referred to as the turret. The turret is like a gigantic toolbox which contains all of the punches we will ever require. There can be hundreds or even thousands of punches in a turret, depending on the machine! This variety enables the machine to cut out many differing shapes and sizes of pieces.
The hydraulic system is another necessary component of the machine. This uses specific fluids to make it move and powers the machine itself as well. The punch and die are synchronized with hydraulic system. The die is the component used to shape and cut the metal as the punch travels through it. Combined, they ensure the metal is cut cleanly and precisely.
Turret punching can help you if you are in the business of creating stuff using metal. It helps save time and money in the journey of product creation. CAD allows you to produce a detailed drawing of a blueprint of your product. This blueprint guarantees that when no one is looking, the final product will appear exactly how you desire it to appear. It also helps easy to catch mistakes before the cutting is done.
We star in turret punching at STON. We have world-class machines and well-trained workers that can ensure that your metal pieces cut as accurate and fast as possible. We also added a range of finishes to help your pieces look clean and professional. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us today for all of your turret punching needs!
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İstehsal prosesi boyu STON materialların yoxlanılması, prosesdaxili sınaq və son məhsulun sınağı daxil olmaqla çoxsaylı keyfiyyətə nəzarət tədbirləri həyata keçirir. STON hər bir avadanlığın beynəlxalq keyfiyyət standartlarına cavab verməsini və çatdırılmadan əvvəl ciddi sınaqdan keçməsini təmin edir. Bundan əlavə, biz müştərilərimizin xüsusi tələblərinə uyğun həllər təqdim edirik ki, onlara istehsalatda səmərəliliyin artırılması və əməliyyat xərclərini azaldır.
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STON qlobal CNC maşınqayırma firması və sertifikatlı idarəetmə şirkətidir. O, keyfiyyət idarəetmə sistemləri üçün ISO 9001-2000 beynəlxalq sertifikatını alan ilk şirkət olub. Şirkət Shandong SRDI Enterprise və Shandong Gazelle Enterprise titullarına layiq görülüb. O, həmçinin 100-dən çox patent gözləyən texnologiyaya malikdir. 80-dən çox ölkədə istifadə olunan məhsullarımız misilsiz dəqiqliyi, etibarlılığı və görkəmli sənətkarlığı ilə tanınır. Biz bazarda standart təyin etdik.